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Commuter Accidentally Falls Onto BTS Tracks, Others Frantically Wave At Train To Stop And Save Her Life

Woman falls onto train tracks in BKK

Commuter Accidentally Falls Onto BTS Tracks, Others Frantically Wave At Train To Stop And Save Her Life

Images adapted from: @ping_ka

Yesterday, Twitter user @ping_ka posted a video showing a woman sitting on the BTS train tracks while a train was slowly approaching the platform. Turns out, she had accidentally fallen onto the tracks. The incident took place at Ratchathewi Station in Bangkok at around 3.30pm.

The tweet read: “Never in my life did I think I’d see this kind of situation.” The user also added that “people were waving at the train as a signal for it to stop.”  

Commuter Accidentally Falls Onto BTS Tracks, Others Frantically Wave At Train To Stop And Save Her Life

Image credit: @ping_ka

The commuter in the video was later rescued by the BTS security staff. According to the Twitter user, her head was injured and bleeding from the fall 

BTS responded to the situation on Twitter

Commuter Accidentally Falls Onto BTS Tracks, Others Frantically Wave At Train To Stop And Save Her Life

Image credit: Thairath

At 3.40pm, BTS informed the commuters on their Twitter about what went down and that the train on the Sukhumvit Line would be delayed. 

To everybody’s relief, the follow-up tweets said the woman was rescued by the BTS staff, and was now safe. In addition, they apologised for any inconvenience caused. 

What to do in this situation?

BTS always suggested that if a passenger accidentally drops their belongings onto the tracks, always inform the security staff. Trying to get it by yourself might result in accidents like falling down.

Commuter Accidentally Falls Onto BTS Tracks, Others Frantically Wave At Train To Stop And Save Her Life

Image credit: BTS

But if you find yourself in the woman’s shoes or witness a similar situation, here is some advice to keep you safe:

  • If you’re on the tracks and still conscious, remain calm. Do not move towards the centre where there are 2 plastic tubes – each one has 750 volts of electricity running through it, which is highly fatal for humans. Stay as close to the platform as possible and wait for help.

  • In the case of an unconscious victim, fellow passengers must quickly alert the security staff. If the train is approaching the station, rush to the nearest green box and push the ‘Emergency Train Stop’ button to stop it.

Commuter Accidentally Falls Onto BTS Tracks, Others Frantically Wave At Train To Stop And Save Her Life

Break the glass with your elbow and press the button
Images adapted from: Thairath

When an emergency like this occurs, remaining calm is crucial because it will help you and others to safety. Just ask all the heroic commuters who signalled for the train to stop – good job guys!

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