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First Thai Patient To Be Infected By Wuhan Virus Gets Cured in 9 Days, Shares Her Experience In Interview

Thai lady cured from Novel Coronavirus

First Thai Patient To Be Infected By Wuhan Virus cover
Images adapted from: NBT 2HD

With the paranoia of the 2019 Wuhan Coronavirus outbreak all over the news, it’s understandable to be on edge and concerned. 

With the current amount of cases totalling up to 25 with 8 recovered patients, it was reported that one of first cases of the virus in Thailand was a Thai lady who had travelled to Wuhan in December. 

In an interview with NBT (National Broadcasting Services of Thailand), Ms. Jaimuay Saeng shared her experiences during her treatment of the virus.

Visited Wuhan to celebrate the new year

Ms. Saeng had visited Wuhan in China’s Hubei province with her family on 25th December 2019 to celebrate the new year holiday. However, unbeknownst to her, she had contracted the virus while there. 

First Thai Patient To Be Infected By Wuhan Virus with family
Ms. Saeng and her family
Image credit: NBT 2HD

Shortly after returning to Thailand on 3rd January 2020, Ms. Saeng fell sick, with symptoms including a loss of appetite. Her family decided to take her to Nakornpathom Hospital to monitor the situation over the next few days. 

Underwent treatment for 9 days

During the initial stages of her admission, specialist doctors from fields including heart disease and respiratory disease worked together to figure out the best way to help her. 

thai doctors
The team of doctors and nurses who took care of Ms. Saeng
Image credit: NBT 2HD

After a thorough medical examination, the team concluded that Ms. Saeng had contracted Wuhan Coronavirus, and had been infected for 12 days out of the 14-day incubation period. 

Thai lady cured from Novel Coronavirus treatment
Image credit: NBT 2HD

As Ms. Saeng also has conditions like thyroid and high blood pressure, it was important for the doctors to give her specific treatments and medication to administer the symptoms in order to keep her stable. 

She was required to stay away from her family during this time, which was emotionally and mentally stressful. Thus, a psychiatrist was duty to take care of her and keep her company during the recovery process.

Ms. Saeng shared that she was allowed to contact her family once in awhile so that she could feel more comfortable during her stay.

First Thai Patient To Be Infected By Wuhan Virus
Image credit: NBT 2HD

She was finally cured and discharged within a 9-day period, and has completely recovered. She also was glad to have been able to celebrate Chinese New Year with her family as planned. 

Ms. Saeng even joked during the interview, saying that she was “lucky” not only to have caught the virus, but also be the very first Thai person to have been infected.

Stay prepared against the Wuhan Coronavirus

Thai doctors have been working hard all across the country to combat the novel Coronavirus, with a local team even finding a new medication made of anti-flu and AIDS drugs. 

This treatment was found to be successful after doctors were able to reduce symptoms of the virus in a patient from China. 

As for the rest of us going about our daily routine, always remember to stay sanitised and wear a mask at all times to ensure your own health and safety. 

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