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‘Prisoner’ Boasts ‘Jail Cell’ Equipped With Hi-So Appliances, Netizens Find It Unlikely To Be True

Prisoner boasts jail cell equipped with hi-so appliances

When it comes to jails, we often think of a narrow space with one bed.

However, some prisons may make us wonder if we’ve been imagining them wrong. For example, this British prisoner’s “jail cell” that look just like a hotel room.

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Prisoner reviews luxe cell on TikTok

A supposed-prisoner became talk of the town after he uploaded a video of his ‘jail cell’ with luxurious items, which as since been deleted.

The video has been reposted by TikToker,, on 23rd February 2022.


An assortment of electrical appliances like a smart TV, a smartphone, and an air purifier together with furniture were shown in the video.

Clothes hanging off a make-shift rack were also spotted in the clip.


According to Daily Mail, the prisoner was sentenced to seven years’ of imprisonment.

The poster has also uploaded other clips showing his luxurious lifestyles in jails on his TikTok account, @Hmpunknown, which has over 5,500 followers.
Image credit: CiTiGist

However, due to a number of criticism from netizens, his account has since disappeared from the platform.

Netizens don’t think it’s a real jail cell

After the post was shared across social media, many netizens shared their disbelief.

Screenshot: The Last Governor

Screenshot: The Last Governor

Screenshot: The Last Governor

We’re eager to find out

Right now, we can’t say for sure whether the ‘prisoner’ really lives a luxurious life in a ‘jail cell’.

However, if we’ve learnt anything from social media, it’s that netizens will always uncover the truth. So, we’ll be sure to update you once they do.

What do you think? Is this really a prison cell? 

Cover images adapted from (L-R):

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