Thai woman gets help from local stray to find cat

Anyone who has had a cat knows that whenever they feel like it, they can go off wandering and leave us for days before coming back. One Thai woman lost her cat after it went wandering the local neighborhood. However, she finds help from an unlikely source – a local stray cat.

Here’s what happened when she made her desperate plea.

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Missing for a day, but there must be a way

A local woman posted an SOS on TikTok after her cat hadn’t come home for over a day. Cat owners know how temperamental cats can be about their freedom and exploration. But we will always worry when our furballs don’t come home. Have they had anything to eat? Are they safe?

Image credit: @pattychipp

One commenter told her to ask local strays for help. And that’s what the woman did.

Screenshot: @pattychipp

She told the local “uncle” stray that her cat’s name is Shoyu and that she’s got long hair. “Please tell Shoyu to come home,” she said to the stray.

And it worked! Shoyu came home at 3 AM the very next day. You can even see the local stray meowing at Shoyu the whole way back as well.

Image credit: @pattychipp

Thai netizens flocked to see the story but some also offered their own stories of when they had to ask local strays for help.

Ask the cat chief and he’ll provide relief

Such a cute and heartwarming story just will not escape the clutches of Thai netizens. But more than that, other Thais also shared their stories of asking the local stray chief for some help.

Screenshot: @pattychipp

Translation: I’ve done something similar. My cat returned just a day after I told the local stray to bring him home.

Screenshot: @pattychipp

Translation: This really works. I tried telling all the strays in my soi to help me find my cat. Not two days later, they all came to my home together like a caravan.

One commenter reminded our lucky cat owner to take care of the stray who helped her as well.

Screenshot: @pattychipp

Translation: Take care of the stray too. I’m glad it worked out for you.

Unexpected help from unlikely places

Although the help came as a complete surprise, that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t find ways to express our gratitude to those who partook in the effort. Like many Thai netizens echoed, we hope that our lucky cat owner will offer the stray some well-deserved tuna and pets.

When we go out of our way to help someone, it feels awesome when we see how much it means to them. So encourage that behaviour. Graciously accept help if it is needed and make the helper feel awesome so we can spread more of that good aid around.

Cover images adapted from (Clockwise from Top Left): @pattychipp, @pattychipp

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