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Wild Elephant Charges At Motorcycling Tourists, Thai Park Rangers Warn Against Loud Noise

Wild elephant charges at two tourists on a motorcycle

Going for a drive in a verdant forest that promises wildlife encounters sounds like a dream for many.

However, that exact idyllic experience quickly turned into a nightmare for these two visitors at an animal sanctuary in Chachoengsao, Thailand.

Below is the story about two motorcyclists, an angry elephant and how a veterinarian managed to calm them both.

More on elephants in Thailand:

Two tourists charged by a wild elephant at a Thai nature reserve

A wild elephant charged towards two tourists on a motorcycle at the Khao Ang Rue Nai Wildlife Sanctuary in Chachoengsao, Thailand.

Thanks to the quick and calm intervention by park authorities, neither the visitors or the animal were hurt.

A video of the event was posted on 3rd October 2021 by famed veterinarian and head of the Wildlife Health Management arm of the Department of National Parks, Dr. Pattaraphon “Lot” Maneeon.

Elephant-thailand-chargesScreenshot: ภัทรพล ล็อต มณีอ่อน

The video starts out with two motorcycle drivers who seem – understandably – stunned at the sight of an elephant getting ready to charge at them.

You can also hear authorities telling the visitors to disembark, as well as other people making noise – seemingly to distract the elephant from the motorcyclists.

Elephant-charges-at-touristsScreenshot: ภัทรพล ล็อต มณีอ่อน

As the elephant gets closer to the vehicle, the authorities’ commands get more and more desperate.

However, it seems that the rangers’ pleas weren’t made only for the tourists.

“Don’t shoot, don’t shoot!”

Towards the end of the clip, the motorcyclists can be seen driving away from the elephant towards to authorities.

However, the event came with multiple close calls. As the visitors drive towards the rangers, the elephant appears to intersect their path and is mere metres away from the vehicle.

Viewers can then hear someone crying, “don’t shoot, don’t shoot! It’s okay!”

elephant-charges-rangers-protectScreenshot: ภัทรพล ล็อต มณีอ่อน

In the caption of the video, Dr. Maneeon states that some believe shooting a bullet into the air would’ve distracted the elephant. However, doing so would only anger the elephant further.

The wildlife expert goes on to explain that loud noises and flashing lights can not only irritate wild animals, but potentially cause them to act violently out of fear. Dr. Maneeon then asks that all visitors refrain from disturbing the wildlife in any way.

Screenshot: ภัทรพล ล็อต มณีอ่อน

In the comments section, Dr. Maneeon posts a picture of a ranger hugging an elephant.

He says that it is possible for man and animals to coexist peacefully, and that the authorities are vigilantly trying to create a safe and symbiotic environment.

Respecting wildlife and their homes

There’s a saying about tourism that goes, “take nothing but pictures, and leave nothing but footprints”. While just a simple sentence, the quote is very powerful as it addresses the tendency to want to bring back a souvenir of the place as well as to litter.

We applaud the efforts of Dr. Maneeon, his team, and everyone who has dedicated their lives towards preserving nature amidst mass tourism.

Cover images adapted from: ภัทรพล ล็อต มณีอ่อน

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