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WHO Vehicle Carrying COVID-19 Samples Gunned Down In Myanmar, Driver Killed

Gun attack in Rakhine state

WHO Vehicle Carrying COVID-19 Samples Gunned Down In Myanmar, Driver Killed

Image adapted from: CNN

On Tuesday, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Myanmar revealed that a World Health Organization (WHO) vehicle was gunned down in western Myanmar while transporting patients’ swap samples to be tested for COVID-19 in Yangon.

The attack took place in the evening of 20th April 2020 in Minbya Township in Rakhine State. 

The area is deemed to be a conflict zone where the fight between the national army and the Arakan Army rebel group takes place.

1 WHO driver killed – 1 healthcare injured

WHO Vehicle Carrying COVID-19 Samples Gunned Down In Myanmar, Driver Killed

Pyae Sone Win Maung
Image credit: CNN

The attack killed a 28-year-old WHO driver, Pyae Sone Win Maung, and seriously injured a healthcare worker who is now being treated in a hospital.

Htay Win Maung, the driver’s father, revealed that his son had been working for the organisation for 3 years. 

WHO Vehicle Carrying COVID-19 Samples Gunned Down In Myanmar, Driver Killed

Myanmar’s United Nations (UN) office lowered its flag to express condolences to the victim
Image credit: United Nations Myanmar

Following the incident, UN Secretary-General António Guterres released a statement to demand “a full and transparent investigation.” 

According to Reuters, both Myanmar’s troops and the Arakan Army denied responsibility and accused each other of the attack. 

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