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Thai Netizens Are In Love With These Ultra-Modern Spirit Houses

Hi-so residence for ghosts

If you’ve been to Thailand’s countryside, chances are you’ve seen small houses in front of our homes that look like birdhouses. In fact, they’re spirit houses for our ancestral ghosts and gods who protect our territory. 

Image credit: Shopee

Typically, our spirit houses are designed after sacred buildings – whether temples or palaces. As times have passed, however, new designs have been introduced and they’re looking dashing and modern.

Image credit: Mr.Oe

Earlier this week, Thai real estate Facebook page Mr.Oe posted photos of sleek-looking spirit houses and Thai netizens couldn’t get enough of it.

The “complex’” consists of 2 minimalistic buildings: one is home to a traditional god while another is for past ancestors. 

Netizens’ best responses

Image credit: Mr.Oe

With over 8,000 shares, the comment section is filled with positive feedback, admiring the design. A handful of comments are packed with wicked humour and they would totally make your day.


Translation: The spirit must be thanking the designer since they’re tired of Thai-style gables.


Translation: I want to live here.


Translation: My advice for practicality: there should be a toilet, living room, and dining room to welcome the guests. Also, you should put in religious textbooks from other religions since Thailand is quite an international hub. Oh, but don’t forget a 14-day mandatory as we’re in the pandemic.


We also want to live in a house like this – but as humans, of course.

Also read:

Featured image adapted from: Mr.Oe

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