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Thai Man Finds Orange Pearl Worth ฿10 Million, Arrested By Police Before Cashing In

Melo pearl found in Thailand 

It’s been a roller-coaster of a week for Mr. Hassachai Niyomdecha, who found a rare orange pearl – which was later confirmed to be the Melo Pearl with an estimated value around ฿10 Million (~USD333,000)

However, the fate of the lucky Nakhon Si Thammarat fisherman rolled downhill as he was arrested by local police for drug trafficking just weeks away from becoming an instant millionaire.

A premonition guided me to the pearl

Mr. Niyomdecha claimed repeated premonitions involving an old man with long-white-beard on a nearby beach led him to the orange pearl, according to Kapook. He then decided to follow the old man in his dream to that location, only to find three odd seashells – upon opening them, though, he discovered the Melo pearl worth ฿10 Million (~USD333,000).

Beach Orange Pearl Thai Man
The beach where Mr. Niyomdecha founded the orange pearl.
Image credit: NY Post

Thai man find orange pearl Melo Pearl
An odd orange pearl Mr. Niyomdecha found, which was later confirmed to be the rare Melo Pearl
Image credit: NY Post

After word got out about Mr. Niyomdecha’s finding, many locals tried to buy the pearl for over ฿1 million (~USD33,000). Ultimately, Mr. Niyomdecha settled a deal with a Chinese buyer who proposed a ฿10 Million (~USD333,000) for the pearl – their exchange was due to occur at the end of this month.

Arrested by local police due to drug trafficking

Only weeks before the exchange date, Nakhon Si Thammarat police raided Mr. Niyomdecha’s home and arrested him for drug trafficking. While Mr. Niyomdecha denied all charges, the police claimed to have found 16,000 Amphetamines and some Methamphetamine production equipment in his home. The police also claimed that they have been watching Mr. Niyomdecha’s activities for quite a while before the arrest.

Thai man find orange pearl arrested
Mr. Niyomdecha (blurred) arrested by the local police weeks before becoming a millionaire.
Image credit: Thairath

As of now, the police confirmed that they have not impounded Mr. Niyomdecha’s precious orange pearl yet.

Don’t go sniffing around the beach just yet

While it’s true that Mr. Niyomdecha found the precious Melo Pearl on the beach, the chance of finding these rare orange gems are extremely slim. After all, Melo Pearl is the world’s rarest pearl

So instead of spending time looking for the orange pearl, just bring your picnic basket, mattress and your partner to enjoy the sound of the waves crashing on the shores and the view of the sea and sky as the sun sets. We are sure that natural beauty could be worth more than all the money in the world.

Read more about interesting happenings in Thailand here:

Featured image adapted from: NY Post

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