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Thai Man Disappears From Rice Field In Broad Daylight, Locals Say He Was “Hidden” By A Ghost

Man cloaked by Pee Mae Mai

There have been many unfortunate incidents where loved ones seem to vanish into thin air. In Thailand many of the disappearances – at least the temporary ones – are attributed to spirits shrouding the missing parties, making them completely invisible to those in the mortal realm. 

This happened to Mr. Panom Srinuan, who “disappeared” from his village’s rice field in Udon Thani.

Supernatural occurrences in Thailand:

Disappeared in broad daylight 

On the afternoon of 27th April 2021, Mr. Srinuan drove out to check on his tractor on the community rice field, an activity that would’ve taken a couple hours at most. 

When the evening came around, his wife, Mrs. Ratchani Phongsrinuan noticed his unusual absence and decided to check on Mr. Srinuan. However, she was only able to find her husband’s parked vehicle, phone, and shoes. 

Thai Man Disappears From Rice Field In Broad Daylight, Locals Say He Was “Hidden” By A GhostMr. Panom Srinuan and other locals
Image credit: Naewna

With no sight of her husband, Mrs. Phongsrinuan reported him “missing” to the police, who responded by sending a search-and-rescue team to the fields, where they searched all night – to no avail – for Mr. Panom Srinuan. 

Husband was hidden by a ghost

On the morning of 29th April 2021, Mr. Srinuan arrived home safely on the back of a relative’s motorcycle. When prompted with questions about his whereabouts, Mr. Srinuan explained that he was in the field’s shaded hut the whole time; he even witnessed his relatives and neighbours searching for him. 

Mr. Srinuan claims that when called out to them, no one saw or heard him, leaving him to feel invisible, drained and helpless – typical symptoms of a ghost shrouding. 

Thai Man Disappears From Rice Field In Broad Daylight, Locals Say He Was “Hidden” By A GhostImage credit: Naewna

During a consultation with a monk about the disappearance, the abbot explained that Mr. Srinuan was cloaked by a poltergeist, and that such a phenomenon occurs to those who have committed sins and/or have upset the field’s guardian spirit.

Two local witch-doctors presume that a Pee Mae Mai, a widowed ghost that exclusively targets men and curses their marriage, was responsible. In order to ward Pee Mae Mai off, each family has to place a male mannequin to satisfy the widowed ghost in place of the man she desires.

Do you believe in ghosts?

Such unusual encounters give us such disbelief. Who knows what lies beyond the human realm? Perhaps, those who have sixth senses really experience occurrences like these.

Thai superstitions:

Cover images adapted from: Naewna 

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