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Thai Farmers Dive Under Floodwaters To Harvest Rice, Maintain Smiles & Morale Amidst Heavy Rain

Thai farmers dive under floodwaters

Over recent weeks, Thailand has been faced with mass flooding. People’s livelihoods across the nation have been heavily affected by the rising waters, and it seems that those of individuals working in the agricultural sector have been hit the hardest.

Here’s the story of how these resilient Thai farmers have managed to harvest their crops and maintain their spirit despite floodwaters coming up to their chests.

More on floods in Thailand:

Thai farmers harvest submerged rice crops

Thai Farmers were seen harvesting rice in fields that have been completely submerged by heavy rains in Srisaket, a northeastern province in Thailand, on a post by the Srisaket Provincial Public Relations Office’s Facebook page on 4th October 2021.

thai-farmers-diveImage credit: สำนักงานประชาสัมพันธ์จังหวัดศรีสะเกษ

The water appears to come all the way up to the farmers’ chests.

farmer-harvestImage credit: Daily News

These farmers used long-tail boats to travel across the fields, as well as to transport the crops back to the “shore”.

thai-farmers-diveImage credit: Daily News Online

Once on dry land, the crops are laid out to dry in the sun. All viable rice plants are then processed and taken to be sold.

thai-farmers-dive 2 Image credit: Daily News Online

The local government has assured the public in their Facebook post that relevant authorities are investigating the matter, as well as looking for solutions that’ll prevent further damage to residents’ livelihoods as well as crops.

Until then, community members have been advised to evacuate to higher grounds over the next 4-5 days.

Farmers continue to smile despite their difficult situation

We’d be hard-pressed to find someone willing to drive during a flood; let alone people who are prepared to go out on a boat in order to harvest submerged crops.

It seems that in some areas, the water came up to their necks.
Image credit: Post Today

However, these farmers proved that they were not only ready to do whatever it takes to make the most of the harvest season.

Furthermore, their smiles testify that these individuals were not going to let a difficult situation dampen their spirits.

smiling farmerImage credit: Daily News

As someone who feels uncomfortable at the thought of trudging through a flood, it’s honestly unimaginable – and extremely admirable – that these farmers are all-smiles through this ordeal.

Maintaining your smile throughout hard times

These farmers have taught us a lesson in adaptability as well as resilience.

The fact that they’re able to harvest submerged crops is a testament to their ability to adapt to unforeseen circumstances. We’re also extremely impressed at how they maintained their smiles throughout situation.

We’re hopeful that the authorities will be able to help these farmers salvage their crops as well as their livelihoods.

Cover images adapted from (L-R): Post Today, Daily News

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