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Thai Dog Farm In Awe After Client Wants Her Dog To Be Bred…With Humans?

Thai dog farm shocked after unexpected breeding request

Client requests can get pretty crazy. One request for a Thai dog farm was so crazy that the owner had to quadruple check if she had read it properly. That’s because the client had inquired if her dog could be crossbred with humans. The post, shared on 1 March 2024, quickly went viral to the tune of 22,000 likes and 16,000 shares on Facebook as of 4 March 2024.

Here’s what went down and the netizen response.

The shocking request

It all started quite routine. The client simply messaged Siberian_Planet, a Bangkok-based dog farm and pet shop, with a simple request:

Image credit: Ppanther Phan via Facebook

Do you take breeding requests?

Dog farm owner and Facebook user Ppanther Phan, none the wiser, simply responded that they do. She even added that they have Siberians and Huskies.

Then they began talking logistics. Where is the farm located? Is it natural bred? The usual suspects.

But then things took a turn.

Image credit: Ppanther Phan via Facebook

This is when the client asked whether it would be possible to have the dog breed with a human.

Understandably, our dear owner immediately asked, politely, “what?”

So our client elaborates further, “I want my dog to breed with a human, instead of with another dog.”

With the request being so clear, our owner only had one thing to say, “nope.”

Image credit: Ppanther Phan via Facebook

The client, hoping to clear any misunderstandings, elaborated further, “I didn’t mean for you to be the one to do it. I was looking for one of your dogs to breed with someone I have in mind.”

The answer, understandably, was still no.

Netizens just as shocked as the owner

In her post, the Thai dog farm owner simply states that in her 10 years of experience this was the most outlandish request she has ever received.

Image credit: Ppanther Phan via Facebook

There were tons of reactions from netizens. Most expressed shock and confusion. The two normal emotions one feels when such a request is made.

Image credit: Ppanther Phan via Facebook

One comment also asked the question everyone had in mind, “so who’s the human that’ll breed with the dog?”

Image credit: Ppanther Phan via Facebook

This was seemingly answered by another comment that simply states, “I suppose this is a fetish.”

Polite hospitality wins the day

Although the star of the story is undoubtedly the insane request, a lesson we love coming from this story is how the owner was well-mannered through the whole exchange. Although she did share the story afterwards, and we’re glad she did, throughout her conversation with the client, she was nothing but polite and tried her best to understand. Her denials were courteous, but firm. And that’s how we should respond to even the most outlandish of requests.

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Cover image adapted from: Xingchen Yan via Unsplash