Thai Customer Hires Delivery Driver To Buy Chicken Rice From Singapore, Pays For His Plane Tickets

Thai customer gets chicken rice delivered from Singapore

We’ve all watched videos of food from other countries and salivated just thinking about having a small taste. One person from Thailand, however, took this to the next level when they ordered a delivery driver to get on the next flight to Singapore. All so that they could have some Singapore chicken rice.

Here’s what we know about the delivery and the fiery reaction Thai netizens had.

Spotting a familiar jacket on the plane

Image credit: @thita.vy via TikTok

On Saturday 28 October 2023, a Thai woman boarding a flight to Singapore spotted the instantly recognisable green jacket of a delivery driver. At first glance, she simply thought someone had ordered food delivered to the airport. 

The man got through the boarding gate with his passport, plane ticket, and signature delivery box. That’s when she just had to ask what he was doing. 

The driver, or in this case flyer, simply responded that a customer had requested that he deliver some Singapore chicken rice straight from the source. His plane ticket was all paid for too. 

Comment section on fire

Image credit: Wikimedia Commons

The TikTok instantly became a sensation online, amassing over 3 million views over the weekend. 

Some made jokes about the next order of American fried rice, a Thai dish, being delivered straight from the US. Some even said that maybe the driver heard wrong and is about to be in for the ride of his life. 

One person even invoked Murphy’s Law by pointing out that it’d be awkward if the shop in Singapore was closed. Or if the customer cancelled the order mid-flight. 

There was even a debate between what was more delicious: Thai chicken rice or Singaporean chicken rice. There were Thais on both sides of the fence, with some recommending Thai spots as well as the usual suspects from Singapore, including a certain hawker stall at Maxwell.

Unfortunately, according to The Straits Times, the delivery driver featured in the viral video is not registered with Grab and that Grab does not offer ordering food from other cities to be delivered.

When the food gremlin takes over

If you’ve ever felt a craving for a specific dish so strong that you started dreaming about it, just know that you’re not alone. Whoever it was that sent a delivery driver across the seas just to get a simple chicken rice that’ll be barely a quarter of the cost of the delivery fee, must have been in anguish.

But if you don’t have as much disposable income as this guy, then we recommend you check out our guides to affordable, quality activities in Bangkok including some late night food too.

Cover image adapted from: @thita.vy via TikTok and Wikimedia Commons
