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Thai Truck Driver Beats Red Light With “Floating” Wheels, Blames Fluffy Cabbages For Looking Too Heavy

Reckless driving in Thailand 

Pickup trucks carrying heavier loads than they should are a very common sight in Thailand. Whether it’s cleaning supplies, straw or mystery boxes, drivers rightfully keep a safe distance away from these vehicles. 

In Mr. Surawut’s case, he was driving a vegetable truck from Phetchabun to Bangkok – and his motor skills were the cause of uproar among many netizens yesterday. Footage shows the truck bobbing – literally – through a red light at a heavy intersection. 

Cabbages cause commotion 

Many netizens responded to the fact that the large load of vegetables was way too heavy for the four-wheel pickup truck and called for Mr. Sarawut to use an appropriate vehicle for the job. 

According to Kom Khao Tua Thai, Commander of the nearby police Lom Sak Police Station Pol. Colonel Surawait Chaisit launched an investigation on 25th January 2021. Mr. Surawut was summoned to the station, where he was fined ฿1,000 for careless driving, reported Sanook

Image credit: Kom Khao Tua Thai

The truck driver admitted to the charge and was apologetic for causing fear among the community. Mr. Sarawut remarked that he understood their concerns, and reassured them that he is a responsible driver – the truck’s wheels apparently went up “on their own” due to the slope of the road, it wasn’t his intention to pull a stunt like that.

Image credit: Kom Khao Tua Thai

Mr. Sarawut also responded to citizens’ concerns about the ability of his four-wheeler to carry the weight of his vegetable delivery – he explained that the fluffiness of white cabbages made the load look a lot heavier than it actually was. 

Don’t overload your car, or yourself

While pickup trucks are indeed, for picking things up, it’s important to abide by the safety standards set by the manufacturer and by the laws. With coronavirus spreading, we certainly do not need any further threats to our safety. 

Check out more articles on what’s happening in Thailand: 

Featured images adapted from Kom Khao Tua Thai

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