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Thai Netizen Receives Overwhelming Help Online When He Shared His Paralysed Father’s Writing

Thai netizen receives help deciphering paralysed father’s writing

It is a huge challenge to take care of a loved one who has difficulties communicating. One Thai netizen got a note from his paralysed father and had difficulty understanding it. But when he reached out for help online, he received an outpouring of support from other Thai netizens.

Here’s what Thai netizens think the father wrote and some solutions they suggested.

Deciphering father’s scribbles

A paralysed Thai father's note to his child
Image credit: ความรู้รอบตัว Facebook group

On 5th May 2023, a Thai netizen made a post to a popular Thai Facebook group asking for help deciphering what their paralysed father had written.

In the post, the netizen made a plea to other netizens for help. The post received overwhelming support with over 150 people making comments to assist.

The general consensus seemed to be that the writing says “2 bottles of Brand’s and sweetened milk”. So at least now the Thai netizen knows what to add to their grocery list.

Other suggestions for communicating

Overwhelming support from Thai netizens in deciphering paralysed father's note.
Image credit: Matheus Ferrero via Unsplash (Image is used for illustration purposes only)

Other netizens who commented also left potentially helpful advice. Some of these suggestions include having the father communicate using a phone keyboard.

Unfortunately, while this may be useful for most cases, according to the netizen asking for help, their father’s condition has deteriorated to the point where this isn’t possible.

Communicate with your loved ones

This story is a good reminder of how being able to communicate with your loved ones is important. It’s one of those things that gets overlooked until it’s no longer there.

Maybe today’s a good day to message our parents, and maybe visit them with some food and milk.

For another heartwarming story, check out how this Thai woman is still holding onto her plushie after years. Alternatively, if you’re looking for reasons to travel in Thailand, Vijitr is a series of light shows that’ll take place in the major regions of the country.

Cover image adapted from: ความรู้รอบตัว Facebook group and Matheus Ferrero via Unsplash