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Thai Driver Tapes Free Snacks Onto Truck, Is Praised For His Generosity

Thai driver tapes free snacks onto pick-up truck

Although we’re well aware of Thai citizens’ generosity, there are many cases that can back that reputation. This incident is yet another story that showcases the genuine care that some Thais display towards others.

A Thai driver in Chiang Rai taped free snacks and masks onto his car with a paper sign instructing passers-by to “Grab it for free”. Many netizens complimented the driver for his generous initiative.

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Free snacks & masks on a pickup truck

Screenshot: @wetchayany

On 19th September 2022, a pickup driver reportedly stuck many snacks and masks onto his car, along with a paper sign telling passers-by to grab them for free. A man recorded a video after spotting the pickup truck on the road.

The OP then uploaded the clip on TikTok, causing the video to go viral afterwards with a loads of netizens praise the driver for his kindness.

Driver praised for his kindness

Many folks came and left positive comments about the driver’s kindness with his gesture.

Screenshot: @wetchayany

Translation: No need to know who he is. Just know that he’s a kind person. 

One TikTok user said the driver’s kindness should be acknowledged, even if we never find out his name.

Screenshot: @wetchayany

Translation: I want more kind people like this.

Another netizen commented that she wanted to see more kind people such as this truck driver in our society.

Screenshot: @wetchayany

Translation: The driver’s idea is superb!

This user complimented the driver’s idea of taping free snacks and masks on his car.

Screenshot: @wetchayany

Translation: There’s no limits to giving. You deserve praise. 

Finally, a netizen expressed that we can always give a little more to help others because it’s an admirable act.

Kindness begets kindness in our society

Doing something kind doesn’t have to be hard, but it takes extra effort to do so. We’re sure there are lots of other generous drivers on the roads, but when it comes to Thailand, we’re proud that Thais are known to help each other in tough times.

After watching the video, we can all agree that the driver deserves a lot of praise and we hope that his kindness inspires others to do the same.

Cover images adapted from (Clockwise from Top Left): @wetchayany

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