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Thai Airways Cancels International Flights In Asia Including Singapore & Japan Due To COVID-19 Crisis

Thai Airways flights cancelled 

thai airways flights cancelled
Image credit: Thai Airways

In response to the Covid-19 outbreak, Thai Airways has cancelled international flights to and from selected Asian countries, including China, Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore, Japan, Philippines, and Bangladesh.

In addition to this, the airline also cancelled round-trip flights to Dubai, United Arab Emirates – 48 flights have been cancelled in total. Most flights are being cancelled until March 2020.

As an exception, flights TG638 and TG639 between Hong Kong and Thailand were being rescheduled. 

Hygiene measured tightened

thai airways cleaning
Image credit: Thairath

Last month, Thai Airways tightened their hygiene measures against COVID-19 on their aircrafts.

This included deep cleaning frequently-touched areas like seat pockets and armrests, spraying the cabin with disinfectant, and fumigating the planes.

If you don’t have any urgent or important matters to settle abroad, it’s best to stay within your country for the next 3 months or until the situation gets better. Otherwise, always keep a mask, hand sanitisers and anti-bacterial wipes handy.

To check specific flights and revised schedules, click here.

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