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South Korea Declares Highest COVID-19 Alert, Has Most Cases Of Coronavirus Outside China

COVID-19 update in South Korea

South Korea Covid-19
Images adapted from: Yonhap/AFP, AFP/Hong Yoon-gi

Cases of the Novel Coronavirus, or COVID-19, continue to rise and spread across the world. And on 23rd February 2020, South Korea raised its alert for the Coronavirus up to the highest level following a huge surge in numbers, with over 760 reported infections and 7 deaths.

South Korea Covid-19
Image credit: salika

The alert was declared in order to take the necessary measures to control the outbreak of COVID-19, including limiting public activities and temporarily closing schools.

The numbers surged after a cluster of cases was found in the South Korean city of Daegu, where Shincheonji Church of Jesus the Temple was reported to have been the centre of the infections. Authorities warned against large gatherings, which is a hotbed for human-to-human transmissions of the virus. 

South Korea Covid-19
Image credit: AFP/Hong Yoon-gi

With its current numbers, South Korea ranks as the country with the highest number of cases outside of China, overtaking Singapore and Japan as of 24th February 2020.

South Korea Covid-19
Image credit:

Organisations like Thai Airways have also cancelled international flights to countries in Asia, including routes to South Korea, Singapore, and Japan.

Thai residents who have travel plans to South Korea and other high-risk countries are advised to postpone their trips in order to minimise risks of getting exposed to the virus.

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