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Wuhan To Test All 11 Million Citizens For COVID-19 After New Cluster Reported

6 new COVID-19 cases detected in Wuhan, China

Wuhan new cases
Image adapted from: France24 

Wuhan has been closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic for almost 3 months, but no infections had been reported since 3rd April 2020. However, the city has been on high alert again after 6 local cases were declared positive for the virus over the week.

Plans to test over 11 million residents proposed

Wuhan new cases
Image credit: Getty Images

According to BBC, the city lockdown was lifted since 8th April 2020 and life seemed to go on as per normal; businesses had reopened and public transport was back too. However, the virus resurfaced after a cluster of 6 were tested positive on 10 and 11 May.

All patients were reported to have been asymptomatic – meaning they showed no symptoms of the virus prior to getting tested. The infections had formed in a “single residential compound” in Wuhan, with one of the 6 cases being the wife of the first patient who was tested positive in the group. 

Wuhan new cases
Image credit: News 18

Peng Zhiyong, director of the intensive care unit of the Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University, mentioned that the testing should be targeted at only medical personnel and anyone who has been in contact with the patients.

7 other provinces in China have also reported new cases, with the city of Shulan declaring 11 new COVID-19 patients.

The official plans regarding the tests have yet to be announced, do stay tuned for updates

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