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Mookata Restaurant Staff Rescues Woman From Burning Car, She Escapes With Just Scratches

Women rescued from burning car

Mookata Restaurant Staff Rescues Woman From Burning Car, She Escapes With Just Scratches

Images adapted from: Sanook, Posttoday

An untimely situation making a hero is the perfect description for this story, where a hotpot restaurant employee in Sakhon Nakhon became an unexpected hero.

At 1.45am on 4th January 2020, a white Honda Civic lost control on a road curve and crashed into the footpath. The car then started to catch fire from the harsh impact.

Mookata Restaurant Staff Rescues Woman From Burning Car, She Escapes With Just Scratches

Image credit: Sanook

Luckily, the 26-year-old female driver was rescued by Mr. Taweesak Prawanja, an employee who was working at a mookata restaurant nearby.

He rushed to her rescue after hearing the crash

Mookata Restaurant Staff Rescues Woman From Burning Car, She Escapes With Just Scratches

Mr. Taweesak Prawanja
Image credit: Sanook

Before the accident happened, Mr. Taweesak remembered seeing a car driving past the restaurant, followed by a loud crash soon after.

He and his crew then ran to the site and saw that the car’s hood was on fire while gas was leaking out of the tank – the driver was still stuck in her seat as all of this happened.  

Mookata Restaurant Staff Rescues Woman From Burning Car, She Escapes With Just Scratches

The car was completely destroyed by fire
Image credit: Posttoday

Before flames took over the vehicle, Mr. Taweesak quickly scooped the driver out of her seat and took her away from the burning car. 

After the officers arrived, the driver was taken to Sakhon Nakhon Hospital. She was diagnosed with minor injuries including scratches and dislocated arms and legs. Local firefighters were also trying hard to control the flames, but couldn’t save the car anyway.   

Mr. Taweesak proves that a quick act of kindness and bravery can save someone’s life – he really is a hero.

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