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Woman Finds Gecko Family Hiding Behind A Door, 4-Legged Squatters Move Out Peacefully

Woman finds gecko family hiding behind a door

Not so long ago, an aunty in Thailand who stumbled upon a giant gecko in her house demonstrated how to remove the reptile with her bare hands.

Given such a situation, we can assume that certain four-legged squatters – especially geckos and monitor lizards – are not easy to deal with at all.

But don’t worry just yet, there’s another simple trick anyone can do.

Read on to find out how this Thai woman expertly removed a family of geckos from her house without touching them.

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Family of geckos found squatting behind a door in house

On 6th April 2022, Thai TikToker, @Aoywararat, posted a video of her discovering something in her house that sent a chill down audiences’ spines.

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In the TikTok video uploaded on Wednesday, one woman is seen pulling the door closed to reveal what was behind the door.

Woman discovers a family of geckos behind door
GIF: @Aoywararat

She jolted back and left the door open as soon as she saw the family of geckos crawling all over the wall.

Woman discovers a family of geckos behind door
Screenshot: @Aoywararat

Soon after she sprayed gecko-repellant on the wall, the four-legged squatters moved out peacefully and were nowhere to be found.

Netizens get goosebumps

Following the post, many netizens shared their comments on the video.

Screenshot: @Aoywararat

Translation: I got goosebumps.

One netizen shared that the video gave her goosebumps.

Screenshot: @Aoywararat

Translation: If I encounter something like this, I would scream at the top of my lungs with fear. LOL

Another netizen put herself into the TikToker’s shoes, saying that she would get freaked out.

Screenshot: @Aoywararat

Translation: Raise a cat

One viewer recommended having cat as a pet.

Make sure the geckos really moved out

Even though those geckos appear to have moved out from where they were found, we cannot be sure if they really moved out of the house or hid somewhere.

So, make sure they no longer reside in the house or else the TikToker will need to find a new home.

Cover images adapted from (L-R): @Aoywararat, @Aoywararat, @Aoywararat

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