Family Trades ~฿3.8M Van For Potted Plants, Netizens Question Fairness Of Exchange

A luxury van was traded for potted plants

At its most basic meaning, a “trade” is an exchange of goods and services that are equal in value between two parties.

Thus, when netizens heard that a family traded a luxury van for a couple of potted plants, they questioned the fairness of the exchange.

Here’s a story that shows we can’t always measure an object’s value on its appearance or functionality.

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Family trades luxury van for potted Elephant ear philodendron

On 2nd November 2021, Facebook user, Oat Padriew, posted an image of a brand new van – complete with a bow – with a circle of Philodendron plants in front of it.

Image credit: Oat Padriew

The van in the picture, a Toyota Vellfire, is valued at ~฿3.8 Million (~USD114,000).

Translated, his caption reads, “Trading a van for some plants is a thing. One family of elephant-eared plants is worth one Toyota Vellfire”.

Image credit: Oat Padriew

Other images in the post included those of what appears to be the family that traded the van for the plants.

While the two trading parties were all-smiles, there were some eyebrows raised from exchange.

Netizens react to unorthodox trade

Oat Pradiew’s post has been shared over 2K times and has over 1.9K likes and 500 comments.

It seems that he even inspired some netizens to trade-up their plants too.

Screenshot: Oat Padriew

Translation: How much for this plant? 

There were also those who weren’t too pleased with the exchange as well.

Screenshot: Oat Padriew

Netizen 1:
Wow, it seems my Vellfire is worthless. Gotta trade up then. 
Netizen 2:
What kind of plant is worth that?

The story was also picked up by Khaosod Online and shared on their Facebook page, garnering over 980 comments, including this one.

Screenshot: Khaosod Online

Translation: I wouldn’t even trade 100 grams of rice for those plants. It’s gone way too far. 

While we understand how such a trade could result in the above reactions, Khaosod also explained that these types of plants can sometimes sell for multiple millions of Baht.

To each their own

Well, we all have our ways of treating ourselves. It seems that this family’s way was to buy some very expensive Elephant ear philodendron.

While we may not understand why one would want to trade a brand new car for a couple of potted plants, it’s also not our place to judge.

It seems that both parties ended up with exactly what they wanted. We hope that they continue to enjoy their respective purchases for years to come.

Cover images adapted from: Oat Padriew

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Sam Mai: