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Thai Healthcare Worker Tested Positive For Covid-19, Bringing Cases In Thailand Up To 34

First health worker to get infected in Thailand

Thai Healthcare Worker Tested Positive For Covid-19, Bringing Cases In Thailand Up To 34

Image adapted from: Pixabay
Note: Photos in the article are for illustration purposes only

Last Friday, a new case of Covid-19 (Novel Coronavirus) emerged, bringing the total number of cases in Thailand to 34.

A 35-year-old woman, who is a health worker in a private hospital, was confirmed to have been infected with Covid-19, making her the first healthcare worker in the country who has been affected by the disease.

Didn’t wear the necessary protection

Thai Healthcare Worker Tested Positive For Covid-19, Bringing Cases In Thailand Up To 34

An example of hazardous materials (hazmat) suit
Image adapted from: ABC

Dr Suwanchai Wattanayingcharoenchia, the director-general of the Department of Disease Control, revealed that the worker contracted the disease from another patient.

The investigation also showed that she didn’t wear any protection, such as a medical mask and protective suit, as she was treating the patient. She later developed a fever and a cough before being tested positive for the virus. 

Other colleagues are safe

Thai Healthcare Worker Tested Positive For Covid-19, Bringing Cases In Thailand Up To 34

Image credit: Luis Melendez

The good news is that the woman’s 24 colleagues were tested negative and didn’t show any symptoms of the sickness. Furthermore, her family was reportedly risk-free as she lived in a dormitory.

Other patients are on the road to recovery

Thai Ministry of Health is working very hard amidst the outbreak and has successfully cured 14 patients while 20 others are being carefully quarantined and treated in hospitals.

Not only officials working hard to fight the pandemic, but members of the public are also taking the necessary precautions. 

Malls and public areas have tightened their hygiene measures by providing hand sanitiser stations, cleaning spaces more often, and checking people with thermo-scan machines. 

Thai Healthcare Worker Tested Positive For Covid-19, Bringing Cases In Thailand Up To 34

Image credit: pptvhd36

Don’t forget to protect yourself

For many of us, it’s nearly impossible to avoid crowded areas like public transport services or shopping centres where you can be easily exposed to the virus. 

So make sure to protect yourself by wearing a medical mask, washing your hands frequently, and seeing a doctor when not feeling well.   

Thai Healthcare Worker Tested Positive For Covid-19, Bringing Cases In Thailand Up To 34

The best thing to do in this situation is to protect yourselves and those under your care. Most importantly, don’t panic with fake news that is flying around and get information from valid sources instead – be safe everyone.

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