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Woman Goes Into Labour At Buddhist Temple, Thais Say Baby Wants To Make Merit Too

Thai woman goes into labour at Buddhist temple

Thais love making merit. For many Thais it is typical to wake up early to give alms to monks or visit the local temple during important holidays and occasions. But one Thai woman got a little more than just merit when her water broke during the Kathina festival and she went into labour at the Buddhist temple.

Here’s what happened next and netizen reactions to the clip that went viral online.

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More than just an offering

The Kathina festival, better known in Thailand as Thod Kathin (ทอดกฐิน), is a Buddhist ceremony where Thais will offer new robes and other basic utensils to monks. It is seen as a highly auspicious occasion.

Image credit: @sunade_

One pregnant Thai woman was attending the festival with her family on 30th October not expecting anything too out of the ordinary, after all, her due date was a long way away on the 26th of November. But while she was busy frying oysters with her family, her water suddenly broke.

Image credit: @sunade_

Luckily, medical services were quick and she was promptly taken to the nearby Ekachai Hospital where she gave birth within 10 minutes of arriving.

Image credit: @sunade_

Netizens see it as very auspicious

Premature births can be very risky for the baby but according to follow-up responses, the baby is healthy. Netizens congratulated the mother and chimed in with some zingers.

Screenshot: @sunade_

Translation: Everyone was having so much fun so the baby wanted to join in too. Bet he took the mother completely by surprise.

Many also said that being born on a day of ceremony like Kathina is a sign that the baby has good karma.

Screenshot: @sunade_

Translation: The baby picked an auspicious date for his birth.

This moment would not be complete without Thais unique sense for names. The top suggestion was, of course, to name the baby Kathina after the day he was born.

Screenshot: @sunade_

Translation: Name him Kathina. He picked his own birthday so this has to be it. 

Others suggested synonyms of Kathina in Thai or other similar words that mean “good merit”.

Luck and merit is a communal quality

We’re hoping that the baby remains as fortunate and as healthy as he was at his birth. His birth will surely be a reminder of happy times.

His good luck and merit came today, not only as a result of his being born on an auspicious day, but also through the love of his family and community. Through them, his mother was able to deliver him safely to a hospital without complications. And through them, he will have a good and safe upbringing that will surely lead him to happiness.

Cover images adapted from (Clockwise from Top Left): @sunade_, @sunade_, @sunade_

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