Thai Woman Finds Airpods In Unexpected Place After A Long Night Watching Series

Thai Woman finds misplaced AirPods in Vaseline

We all have our moments when we go on autopilot. Sometimes we go looking for our glasses while we’re wearing them, other times we throw away our candy but hold onto the wrapper. One Thai woman couldn’t find her AirPods in their charging case after a long night. But when she did find them, it was in a case of Vaseline.

Here’s how she says they ended up in there and the hilarious netizen responses to her story.

A long night of bingeing series

Image credit: Muna Aanorak via Facebook

Just one more episode. That’s the feeling one Thai woman had as she struggled to stay awake after a night of watching a series. But after not being able to withstand the drowsiness, she took off her AirPods to put them away in their charging case and go to sleep.

After waking up, she found that she hadn’t put the AirPods in their case. So she scoured the house looking for where she could’ve put them. Still, she was so sure that she had put them back since she distinctly remembers the feeling of placing them inside a case.

Finally, she checked her phone and saw that the AirPods were still connected to it. So she did the sensible thing and played music to hear where they were. That’s when she figured out that she had indeed put it in a case, just not the case they were supposed to be in. It turns out that instead of putting them in a charging case, she kept her AirPods in a case of Vaseline.

Netizens laugh in sympathy

Image credit: Vryn Rawn via Facebook

The Thai woman shared her story with friends on Facebook, but it quickly exploded in popularity.

It seems like this isn’t an uncommon mistake either. Many netizens shared images of their own Vaseline-themed AirPod cases.

The woman’s own friend even left a comment saying that he’d be way too embarrassed to make this sort of post.

The latest news on these AirPods is that they’ve been sent over for repairs. We’re hoping for a quick recovery.

Remember to rest properly

Although this is a rather funny story, this woman’s story is still a good reminder that you shouldn’t force yourself to stay awake just to watch a series. She made a relatively harmless mistake here, but there are plenty of other dangerous or damaging situations to do while sleep-deprived, like driving.

So next time you find yourself feeling sleepy, make sure you get proper rest before doing anything else.

If your itch for funny Thai stories still isn’t scratched, try this story about a tourist taking photos of her Barbie doll in a spirit house or this Thai vlogger dressing up as Adam Warlock. Alternatively, check out this Chonburi eatery’s deal on som tam following the 2023 elections.

Cover image adapted from: Muna Aanorak and Vryn Rawn via Facebook
