Woman Calls Police 227 Times To Complain About “Ghost”, Officers Respond To Supernatural Emergency

House cleansing ritual duty

People call the police everyday for a variety of reasons; whether it’s a cat stuck in a tree situation or a math problem emergency. And it is the police’s duty to respond and aid the citizens in the best way they can.

The Royal Thai Police even provided a spiritual cleansing ritual for the home of this Thai woman who called about a supernatural emergency over 200 times in one week. 

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Police responds to help with ‘black magic’

A Thai woman in Chiang Rai has been giving the police emergency calls several times a day for over a week. She had claimed that a supernatural being had been breaking into her house nonstop and insisted that the police help her, according to Matichon.

The police upheld their duty and visited her home many times, although they always came back empty-handed.

Screenshot: Chiangrai Provincial Police

Yet, the woman persisted with her calls – by 30th March 2021, she had officially called them 227 times. The police decided to go back again for another look, but, as expected, found no traces of supernatural crime in her home. The woman Chiang Rai native then opted to make an in-person report at the police station.

The contents of her report mentioned the use of ‘black magic’ in breaking and entering, meaning the police were unable to officially submit the report causing the situation to go chaotic for a while. The police even resorted to escorting the woman to the hospital for a mental examination and a resistance from her in response.

A police corporal, Mr. Siratee Jit, then came to the rescue by coming up with the idea to use superstitious methods to solve the problem once and for all.

Screenshot: Chiangrai Provincial Police

After hearing out the woman whom expressed that she was simply scared, Mr. Jit offered her a Kwai Tanu – a sacred object translated to ‘arrow buffalo’ in English – as an amulet to ward off black magic, as well as a house cleansing ritual from the police unit in which she happily accepted.

Image credit: Matichon

Mr. Jit stated that it was a first-of-its-kind case that did take him by surprise, but was ultimately content that he could help the woman feel safe, as this is what the police should do for their people.

To your rescue

This story is another proof that there are police out there who will go through all means to come to your rescue no matter what that may be.

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Cover images adapted from: Chiangrai Provincial Police (Left), Matichon (Right)

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