Thai Man Hails Bike Taxi To Work, Rider Turns Out To Be A Security Guard

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Thai man’s bike taxi rider turns out to be a security guard

Sometimes being in a hurry can lead to hilarious mistakes – like getting on the wrong bus or having typos in your assignment. And that can either make us frustrated for the rest of the day or turn into a funny story to share with our friends.

A Thai man hurriedly hailed a motorcycle taxi to work as he realised he was running late. However, after he got off the motorcycle, he then realised that the man wasn’t a rider but a security guard wearing a vest that looked similar to a taxi vest. After the story was shared on Facebook, many netizens expressed their amusement in the comments.

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Thai man mistakenly hailed a non-taxi rider to get to work

Screenshot: Napat Teamm

On 2nd November 2022, a Facebook user, Napat Teamm, shared a funny story on his FB profile about a mistake he made during the rush hour in Bangkok.

He said that he was being late to work, so he hailed a motorcycle taxi to a BTS station. After he got off and asked about the fare, the rider told him he’s not a cabbie but he wanted to take the man to the workplace in time. Once the rider finished talking, he drove away and shouted additionally at the man not to give him money.

The man allegedly checked out the vest on the rider and verified that it was indeed a security guard’s vest, belonging to a nearby construction site, according to Thairath.

Many netizens tagged their friends to read this funny story

After he posted his funny story on his Facebook, many netizens came to leave amusing comments under the post.

Screenshot: Napat Teamm

Translation: So cool, man!

One guy expressed that the story was cool to hear.

Screenshot: Napat Teamm

Translation: A hero doesn’t always need to wear a cape. Sometimes he wears a vest.

Another man was impressed by the rider’s kindness and compared him to a hero without a cape.

Screenshot: Napat Teamm

Translation: LOl Thai people’s kindness.

Another netizens laughed and said that this was Thai generosity at work.

Screenshot: Napat Teamm

Translation: LOL I mistakenly did this too.

Lastly, a netizen tagged her friend and shared that the same thing happened to her too.

A funny and heartwarming story

Ngl, we feel glad every time we hear a heartwarming story about Thai people’s kindness on a daily basis, like this case. Thanks to the rider, the man made it to his workplace in time. Props to the rider for being so kind, and this commuter will never forget about him.

A little help will definitely make each other’s day. So feel free to share your heartwarming stories with us if you have experienced any kindness from people in Thailand. We would like to hear from you in the comments.

Cover images adapted from (Clockwise from Top Left): bangkokbiznews

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