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Thai Farmer Finds Duck Mauled & Stripped Of Organs, Blames Visit From Possessed “Pee Pao”

Pee Pao in Thailand

Thailand has its fair share of eerie superstitions and horror tales – some lores are rooted so deep in the culture that supernatural beings are used as explanations for the unexplainable. 

For example, Udon Thani farm owner, Mr. Jo found one of his ducks had been killed the night before and had its entrails removed – he explains this tragedy by a visit from Pee Pao, a person whose cravings for raw flesh make him comparable to a ghost. 

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No evidence of animal attacks 

Mr. Jo places the incident back on 28th March 2021, which was this year’s Buddha Day – Thais believe that spirits are free to roam among the living on this special day.

Thai Farmer Finds Duck Mauled & Stripped Of Organs, Blames Visit From Possessed "Pee Pao"
The duck pond at Mr.Jo’s Farm
Image credit: Naewna

Out of the 30 Barbary ducks on his farm, Mr. Jo and his brother noticed one of them laying motionless on the side of the duck pond. Upon further inspection, the two noticed the duck’s organs were completely removed, reported Naewna

Thai Farmer Finds Duck Mauled & Stripped Of Organs, Blames Visit From Possessed "Pee Pao"
The duck found dead & stripped of its organs
Image credit: Naewna

Mr. Jo and his brother checked the body for bite marks – a telltale sign of an animal attack – which there were none; this led the two to the conclusion that the attack was done by a Pee Pao. 

What’s a Pee Pao?

Isan legend goes that a Pee Pao, whose name translates to ‘Target Ghost’ is in fact, not a ghost. A Pee Pao is actually a human whose cravings for raw flesh – sometimes that of other people – are so intense that they can’t control it, according to Amorerana

Thai Farmer Finds Duck Mauled & Stripped Of Organs, Blames Visit From Possessed "Pee Pao"
Image credit: Amorerana

When accused, these individuals often have no recollection of their actions. 

Let the police handle this

In the event that you encounter someone eating and mutilating live animals, it’s best to remove yourself from the situation – be sure to contact professionals like the police at 191 or 1155 for English speakers.

Thai horror and superstition in pop culture:

Cover images adapted from: Naewna (Left), Chiang Mai News (Right)

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