Pornhub Offers Free Premium In Cheeky Attempt To Keep People At Home During COVID-19

Pornhub’s ‘StayHomeHub’ campaign during COVID-19

Image credit: SpecPhone

Thailand is seeing a steady rise COVID-19 cases, with a State of Emergency being declared this week. The government has also urged people to stay at home as much as possible to help control the spread of the infection. 

During self-isolation and quarantine, what we can stay positive and relaxed by sharing the good vibes and funnies on social media and binging on Netflix shows.

To help people stay indoors, Pornhub is offering itself as another source of cheeky entertainment by providing premium access to all users around the world until 23rd April 2020. 

Free for users all over the world

Image credit: MARKETINGOOPS!

MARKETINGOOPS! also shared interesting data, stating that Pornhub’s weekly traffic all over the world got higher after stay-at-home policy was implemented. 

Pornhub began the “StayHomeHub” campaign to offer free access to their premium videos in Italy and Spain initially, after both countries were badly hit with the virus.

As it continues to spread across the globe, Pornhub has announced free premium access for users all over the world to enjoy. 

This free service will be available until 23rd April 2020, so do your part and stay safe at home while having a little bit of fun! 😉

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Petpailin Kirdsaeng: