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Teen Shares That Family Forgot His Birthday After Getting Caught For Speeding, Police Buys Him Cake To Celebrate

Thai teen breaks down after speedy encounter with police

Kind police in Thailand
Image adapted from Kapook and P’Pee Jedsada

Some may think that being a police officer is cool and prestigious, while others might think that it’s dangerous and risky. But to this one Thai teen, a local policeman became a hero.

Also read:

Teen got caught for speeding at first

On 9th November 2019, a police officer named Kanokpan Putthapong posted a photo on his Facebook page with the caption, “Happy birthday, bro. This year, the police will buy you a birthday cake.” 

Praise Thai police for his great work
Image credit: Kapook 

The post since went viral and Mr. Putthapong shared with news website Ejun that the teen had initially been caught for speeding. “On the day I was on duty, this motorcycle was driving over the speed limit with no helmet or license plate. I decided to stop and arrest him,” he said.

But after the motorcyclist started crying, the officer asked him what the problem was. He then shared that it was actually his birthday but no one in his family seemed to care about it, which prompted him to leave his brother’s condominium in anger as he felt neglected. 

Thai traffic police is praise for his kindnessThe police bought the boy a birthday cake, which touched him

Mr. Putthapong gently calmed him down and told him to sit down before heading back home. Then, he went to the nearest 7-11 to buy him a cake with some candles, which he presented to the boy. 

Instead of proceeding with the arrest, he soothed the teenager and let him off with a warning. You can watch the heartwarming moment here:

Netizens touched by officer’s kindness

While Mr. Putthapong’s original post is currently hidden, many netizens have come together to praise his actions online. 

Compliments for Thai police


Translation: You are so kind.

Compliments for Thai police


Translation: Great work.

Police officers can be seen as heroes, not just because of their uniforms, but from how they help improve communities and the lives of people – just like Mr. Putthapong’s kind gesture. Being a hero is from the inside too.

Aside from that, family is really important too. We hope the teen mends his familial relationships and enjoys happier birthdays!

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