Staff Leaps Onto Chair & Cries As Aggro Monitor Lizard Invades Store

Staff leaps onto chair during monitor lizard invasion

In Thailand, you’d be hard pressed to find someone who’s never had to deal with a monitor lizard. Furthermore, you’ll have an even harder time running into someone who was able to deal with such an unpleasant reptile calmly.

We can’t blame them, though.

These large lizards with creepy patterns that move at the speed of light aren’t exactly what you’d call an ideal houseguest.

If you’re reading this and nodding your head, then we’re sure you’ll enjoy this story about a store’s staff members reaction to the reptile.

More monitor lizard stories:

Angry monitor lizard invades store

On 9th February 2022, TikToker, @mtt214563934, posted a video of a showdown between a monitor lizard and a store’s staff members.

The video shows an angry, hissing monitor lizard terrorising a store in Thailand.

Screenshot: @mtt214563934

The highlight of the clip, and the subject of the red caption, is the staff member who is standing on a chair and crying.

Screenshot: @mtt214563934

Luckily, a man who appears to be one of her colleagues comes to the rescue, and tries to scare the reptile away.

Screenshot: @mtt214563934

Although her knight in shining armour lured the lizard away, the frightened staff member appeared to still be in shock and tears continued to fall down her face.

Screenshot: @mtt214563934

Well, we really can’t fault her.

Netizens jokingly empathise with scared staff member

At the time of writing, the TikTok had amassed over 52.7K likes and 630 comments.

With monitor lizards being a common pest in Thailand, it’s no surprise that netizens were able to relate to the plight and find light in the situation.

Screenshot: @mtt214563934

Translation: Her heart looks like it’s about to break. 

As someone who detests animals that crawl, our heart would’ve already been broken the second that animal appeared.

Screenshot: @mtt214563934

Translation: No way we’d be going back down to “shore”. 

This commenter stated that they wouldn’t have the courage to return to the ground where the monitor lizard is. Self preservation instinct, we love to see it. 

Screenshot: @mtt214563934

Translation: The man in the yellow shirt is so cute, I can’t handle it. 

And, of course, there was someone who mentioned the upset staff member’s knight in shining armour – or yellow shirt.

Adapt to your surroundings

This staff member has certainly showed us that there is more than one way to adapt to one’s situation.

One can either accept the presence of a terrifying creature, or use whatever tools available to escape it.

So, we’re definitely going to keep this in mind next time someone tells us that monitor lizards are simply a “part of the environment” – chairs are too!

Cover images adapted from (L-R): @mtt214563934 

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Sam Mai: