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11 Fun Facts About Amanda, Thailand’s Sixth Consecutive Miss Universe Rep To Crack The Top 10 

Miss Universe Thailand Amanda Obdam 

Ever since she was crowned as Miss Universe Thailand 2020, Amanda Chalisa Obdam has been the talk of the town, and we can understand why. 

Not only is she the sixth consecutive representative from The Land of Smiles to make the Top 10 since 2015, but also seems to lead a full and adventurous life. 

Here are the fun facts about Miss Obdam.

Other inspirational Thais: 


1. Amanda is of Thai-Canadian descent

The 27-year-old was born to a Thai mother and Dutch-Canadian father in Phuket. 

 11 Fun Facts About Amanda, Thailand's Sixth Consecutive Miss Universe Rep To Crack The Top 10 Image credit: @amanda.obdam

Amanda stated that she is grateful for her parents, who have always encouraged her to follow her dreams and passion.

11 Fun Facts About Amanda, Thailand's Sixth Consecutive Miss Universe Rep To Crack The Top 10 Young Amanda and her mother
Image credit: Amanda Obdam

2. She has a brother 

11 Fun Facts About Amanda, Thailand's Sixth Consecutive Miss Universe Rep To Crack The Top 10 Image credit: @amanda.obdam

Standing next to Amanda in this picture is her younger brother, who she says would often go on adventures with her. 

The Miss Universe Top 10 finalist mentioned that she would often come home scratched and bruised from their shenanigans.

3. Amanda is the second consecutive Thai-Canadian to win the Miss Universe Thailand pageant

Since 2019, Amanda is the second Thai-Canadian to grab the Miss Universe Thailand title.

11 Fun Facts About Amanda, Thailand's Sixth Consecutive Miss Universe Rep To Crack The Top 10 Image credit: @amanda.obdam

Additionally, she is also the fourth Miss Universe Thailand winner who is half-Thai-half-Caucasian. 

4. She entered her first beauty pageant contest at 10 

Before she was Miss Universe Thailand, Amanda was partaking in local pageants. 

11 Fun Facts About Amanda, Thailand's Sixth Consecutive Miss Universe Rep To Crack The Top 10 Image credit: Amanda Obdam 

She entered her first beauty competition, the Nang Noppamas Loy Krathong pageant in Phuket at ten-years-old where she was crowned “Miss Noppamas”.

5. She’s an open water certified diver since she was 14

Being an island girl and adventurous one, Amanda earned her open water SCUBA diving certification in 2006.

11 Fun Facts About Amanda, Thailand's Sixth Consecutive Miss Universe Rep To Crack The Top 10 Image credit: @haveyoulistenedcampaign

It was actually a family activity – Miss Universe Thailand took the certification with her father and brother. 

11 Fun Facts About Amanda, Thailand's Sixth Consecutive Miss Universe Rep To Crack The Top 10 Image credit: @amanda.obdam

6. Amanda started the “Have you Listened” initiative 

Miss Universe Thailand started a campaign called “Have you listened” that aims to raise awareness of mental health issues and the importance of listening to others within their own community.

11 Fun Facts About Amanda, Thailand's Sixth Consecutive Miss Universe Rep To Crack The Top 10
Her initiative for her campaign
Image credit: @haveyoulistenedcampaign

Through her actions, we can see that Amanda is an advocate for mental health warriors. 

7. She graduated with first class honours from University of Toronto Mississauga

After living in Thailand for most of her life, Amanda decided to move to Toronto, Canada for higher education. 

11 Fun Facts About Amanda, Thailand's Sixth Consecutive Miss Universe Rep To Crack The Top 10 Amanda on Beauty Talks livestream sharing her university experiences
Screenshot: เรียนต่อแคนาดา istudycanada

She studied Management and Business Administration at the University of Toronto Mississauga, where she graduated with first-honours. 

8. Miss Universe Singapore was her roomie

During the competition, Amanda was roommates with fellow advocate Miss Universe Singapore

 11 Fun Facts About Amanda, Thailand's Sixth Consecutive Miss Universe Rep To Crack The Top 10 Image credit:

9. She is 170 CM tall

Miss Universe Thailand stands at 170 CM or 5’7” tall. 

 11 Fun Facts About Amanda, Thailand's Sixth Consecutive Miss Universe Rep To Crack The Top 10 Image credit: @amanda.obdam

10. She volunteered at a Phuket foundation to mentor kids

The 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami was a tragedy that devastated Phuket and affected many peoples’ lives. 

 11 Fun Facts About Amanda, Thailand's Sixth Consecutive Miss Universe Rep To Crack The Top 10 Image credit: Phuket Has Been Good To Us Foundation

Miss Universe Thailand wanted to alleviate the damage, so she volunteered to mentor children at the “Phuket Has Been Good To Us” Foundation. 

11. She co-founded Batika Studio

Amanda is the co-founder of “Batika Studio”, a sustainable clothing and bag brand that uses traditional Batik art. 

 11 Fun Facts About Amanda, Thailand's Sixth Consecutive Miss Universe Rep To Crack The Top 10
Image credit: Batika Studio

The brand’s aesthetic can best be described as “resort-chic”, and its designs presumably rooted in Amanda’s beachtown upbringing. 

An inspirational model

Amanda Obdam seems to be very passionate about her line of work and advocating for human rights – it appears that she’s worked hard and established herself enough to help others.

She truly is a role model and can be inspirational to many others out there.

What are some fun facts about your Miss Universe rep? Let us know in the comments!

Cover images adapted from: @amanda.obdam (Left), @amanda.obdam (Right)

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