Student without lower body inspires Thai netizens

In life, series of hardships often come one after another for us to overcome. But if the obstacle were permanent – would you give up? Well, this young student from Chiang Mai sure doesn’t have that phrase in his vocabulary.

On 22nd September 2019, a mechanic student named Chatree ‘Tod’ Konwatcharathada posted in ‘Seek Jobs in Chiang Mai’ Facebook group looking for an internship.

In the post, Mr. Chatree mentioned his physical disability – he was born without his lower body, and was asking if any garage owners want to take him in.

Mr. Chatree’s post has since been shared over 20,000 times and received for more than 40,000 reactions.   

Mechanic Half Body Thailand

Translation: Hi, my name is Tod and I’m a mechanic student. I’m looking for a garage to work as an intern. However, my torso not like everybody else, so I wonder if anyone here would accept me? 

Image adapted from: Chatree Konwatcharathada  

Inspired netizens show their support

Mechanic Half Body Thailand

He looks like he’s got a good sense of humour!
Image credit: Chatree Konwatcharathada

The comment section under the post is flooded with heartwarming comments from people in the group. 

Most of them expressed their admiration for Mr. Chatree’s determination and wished him good luck for his future while some netizens who seemed to be garage owners offered him an internship position, and leaving their contacts in the comments.

Mechanic Half Body Thailand

Translation: Rooting for you. I wish you the best until your graduation!


Mechanic Half Body Thailand

Translation: Though your body is disabled, you heart is super strong and ready to break any barriers.


Mechanic Half Body Thailand

Translation: Don’t give up, I’m rooting for you. Hope you get a good place to do an internship.


Mechanic Half Body Thailand

Translation: [Number] I want to take you in at ‘Scooter Outfit’, fixing Vespas


He has a rare condition called ‘Phocomelia’

Mr. Chatree’s condition is a rare birth defect called phocomelia, which refers to an  under-development or absence of bones. As a result, affected limbs appear deformed or can be missing entirely. This defect could happen to a single limb or an entire upper or lower body part.

Mechanic Half Body Thailand

Mr. Chatree with his specially modified motorcycle
Image credit: Chatree Konwatcharathada  

Doors are always open for those who seek them

Kudos to Mr. Chatree for setting a great example for everybody on how to pursue one’s dream despite all the difficulties in life. And big thanks to all the netizens for supporting and rooting for the man – your kind words have touched other people’s hearts too.  

We wish you a bright future ahead! 

Cover image adapted from: Chatree Konwatcharathada

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