Japanese Expat Student Bakes Map of Thailand, Thai Netizens Impressed By Accuracy

She has been living in Thailand for eight years

Images adapted from: @InfoFromThai and @InfoFromThai

After you’ve been an expat in a country long enough, you can probably name the regions like the back of your hand.

On Friday, 19th June, a Twitter user named @InfoFromThailand shared a photo of her cookies baked in the shape of Thailand, much to the delight of Thai netizens.

She didn’t plan to bake a map

The unnamed Japanese expat told Coconuts Bangkok that she hadn’t planned anything but was suddenly inspired by a fellow Twitter user who baked a map of Japan.

It took a total of seven hours to bake, knead and shape each piece into their respective province, reported Coconuts Bangkok.

Her map impressed local netizens

Thai netizens from across the nation responded positively to her baked cartography, with several pointing out their home province.

Image source: @InfoFromThai

Image source: @InfoFromThai

Some users were impressed with the map’s accuracy.

Image source: @InfoFromThai

There are, however, some rough edges around the map despite hours of effort – not that anyone seemed to mind!

Image source:

She admitted she had to compromise for certain provinces like Phuket and Phang-Nga because they were too small to separate, but netizens did not mind.

Image source: @InfoFromThai

Image source:

Ultimately, the cookies got eaten.

No other baking plans for now

She has no projects baking up at the moment, but said she is open to users tweeting suggestions to her.

The Twitter post currently has 13.2k retweets and 9k likes.

It’s awe-inspiring to see such a creative way of showing appreciation for a place you grew to love. The amount of time she took to make it and how quickly it’s gone makes it a cherishing memory.

Shame we didn’t get to find out how it tasted though, but perhaps her next project will be a bigger serving and include other countries.

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Papoj Aksharanugraha: