Kindergarten Student Brings Scorpion To School As A Toy, Shocks His Teacher

Kindergarten student brings scorpion to school

As little students, we used to bring toys to school to show our friends and teachers. However, what this kindergarten student brought surprised the teacher and netizens.

A kindergarten student reportedly brought a scorpion to school as a toy. His teacher took it out of the student’s bag and made a video of it on TikTok.

The teacher was shocked by her student’s toy

Image credit: @tuktik_supassorn via TikTok

A Thai teacher posted a TikTok video of the scorpion that one of her kindergarten students had brought to the class. The teacher said in the clip that the scorpion was given to the student by his grandmother -the scorpion’s tail had been cut off to prevent it from injecting venom.

The clip went viral and became funny news on social media. Many netizens commented jokingly about the kid’s action and how brave the teacher was to hold the scorpion. But some people expressed concern about the potential future danger and urged the teacher to give the student a lesson about the animal.

TikTok comments mention the teacher’s courage in holding the scorpion

Image credit: @tuktik_supassorn via TikTok

Translation: It’s a yummy food item, ma’am.

Image credit: @tuktik_supassorn via TikTok

Translation: I was surprised that you dared to hold it

Image credit: @tuktik_supassorn via TikTok

Translation: Guess his grandma has no other toys to give him. LOL 

Image credit: @tuktik_supassorn via TikTok

Translation: Maybe it’s his lunch meal.

The teacher instructed the student about the animal’s danger

We find it curious as to why the grandmother had given the student a scorpion to bring to school.

Later on, the teacher explained in the comments that she had educated the student about the scorpion and had told him not to play it or bring it to school.

What were some weird things that you brought to school as a kid? You can share your story with us.

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Cover image adapted from: @tuktik_supassorn via TikTok, @tuktik_supassorn via TikTok and @tuktik_supassorn via TikTok

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