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Granny Reportedly Dreams Of Late Relatives Coming To ‘Claim’ Her Soul, Passes Away 3 Days Later In A Fire

Granny dreams of relatives coming to ‘claim’ her soul

Some people believe that they will be brought good fortune after having a nightmare. Unfortunately, bad dreams are also believed to foreshadow unpleasant events.

Here’s the story of a Thai granny who dreamt of late relatives coming to ‘claim’ her soul before passing away three days later.

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79 year-old granny found dead in burnt house

On 2nd March 2022, a 79 year-old granny was found dead in the middle of a house that had been burnt down in a fire in Peng district, Udonthani.

Image credit: AMARINTV

At the scene, police officers allegedly found a four year-old boy standing in shock in front of her corpse, which was left completely burnt.

Pol.Lt.Col. Napat Jumwantha, an investigator on the case, speculated that the fire may have come from the kitchen and quickly engulfed the house afterwards, as reported by Channel 3 Plus.

Image credit: AMARINTV

Sana Saraubon, the woman’s daughter, also revealed an extra detail to the press. Three days before the blaze, the granny had told Sana about a dream, where her late relatives said they would come to claim her soul.

Image credit: AMARINTV

The granny’s son, who is ordained as a monk, also shared similar story. Reportedly, he was told the same thing by the granny in his dream, according to Thairath.

Netizens wish that granny rest in peace

After the story was posted online, many netizens expressed their condolences in the comments section.

Screenshot: NewsWorkpoint

Translation: I’m so sad. RIP

Screenshot: NewsWorkpoint

Translation: RIP granny

Two netizens sent their wishes that the would rest in peace.

Screenshot: NewsWorkpoint

Translation: I feel sympathy for the granny. RIP and may you go to heaven

One commenter expressed her sympathy for the granny and sent her wishes that she rest in heaven.

May the granny rest in peace

Regardless of whether the nightmare really foreshadowed the events or not, we’re sure that the woman’s family is going through a hard time.

We would like to take this opportunity to express our condolence, and hopes that all those involved are able to move forward peacefully.

Cover images adapted from (L-R): AMARINTV

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