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Austrian Man Living In Phuket To Pay For Full Tanks Of Gasoline For Local Motorcycle Drivers

Lending a helping hand during the pandemic

Free Gasoline
Images adapted from: GodzillaGreen

Amidst the hardship of the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve seen tonnes of people showing support and care from one to another. From sharing pantries in communities to people donating what they can, this is a time for us to be there for each other.

Free Gasoline
Image credit: GodzillaGreen

Adding to the good news is one Phuket-based man, who has been giving free gasoline for local motorcycle drivers in his community.

Could help those unable to afford gas

Free Gasoline
Image credit: GodzillaGreen

On 10th May 2020, Facebook page GodzillaGreen shared photos of people and their bikes waiting in a line for free gasoline supported by Mr. Willy, an Austrian man living in Patong, Phuket.

Free Gasoline
People queue neatly for the free gasoline
Image credit: GodzillaGreen

He offered to pay for gasoline for locals who ride bikes to get about their everyday lives (with the exception of big bikes, delivery bikes, and motorcycle taxis) from 4-5PM on 10th May 2020. People were seen in a long queue, waiting calmly until it came to their turn.

Free Gasoline
Image credit: GodzillaGreen

We’re so glad to see people coming forward to support others  – whether or not foreign or Thai. 

With Thailand’s COVID-19 situation gradually getting stable, we hope that everything will be back to normal soon.

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