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Denmark Lifts Covid Restrictions, Prime Minister Looks Forward To Returning To Old Normal

Denmark lifts Covid-19 restrictions

In an unprecendented move, Denmark has become one of the first countries in the world to lift all Covid-19 restrictions, in a bid to return to the ‘old normal’

Here’s the update on the Covid-19 restrictions in Denmark that have been recently lifted.

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Denmark no longer categorizes Covid-19 as “Socially Critical Disease”

Prime Minister of Denmark, Mette Frederiksen, recently announced that the country has lifted almost all Covid-19 restrictions as Covid-19 is no longer considered as a “Socially Critical Disease”. This means that it will no longer be mandated for people in Denmark to mask up. A vaccine passport is no longer needed to enter indoor venues and there are no more group restriction limits for indoor gatherings.

However, visitors to Denmark are still required to show document(s) proving that they have been vaccinated.

Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen also posted on Facebook saying that Denmark will no longer be overshadowed by Covid-19 and that they are ready to welcome the good old days.

Netizens praise the country for its bravery

Following the announcement, many netizens poured in to shared their joy at the news on the Prime Minister’s post on Facebook.




Back to the good old days

We wish Denmark all the best as the country returns to the old normal

Denmark’s groundbreaking move is certainly welcome news for 2022, and a sign that the pandemic may finally be coming to an end.

Cover images adapted from (Clockwise from Top Left): 790 KABC, CBS58, RTE

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