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Thai Airports Ramp Up Intensive Screenings For COVID-19 For Travellers from Japan and Singapore

Screenings for Japanese and Singapore flights

Thai Airports Ramp Up Intensive Screening For COVID-19 For Travellers from Japan and Singapore

Image adapted from: abs-cbn

According to WHO’s report on Monday, Singapore now has 75 confirmed cases of Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19 infections while Japan has 59 – making their patient numbers the second and third highest respectively after mainland China.

In response, Thailand authorities have tightened safety measures towards travellers from Japan and Singapore who will be arriving at the country’s international airports. 

Furthermore, Thailand’s Public Health Ministry is urging its citizens to postpone their trips to both countries.

Same procedures as mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan

Thai Airports Ramp Up Intensive Screening For COVID-19 For Travellers from Japan and Singapore

Image credit: Bangkokbiznews

Mainland China aside, Singapore and Japan are not the first countries to be put on the intensive-screening list. In fact, they were added after Hong Kong and Taiwan.

Dr Thanarak Plipat, Deputy Director-General of the Department of Disease Control, said all travellers from the listed countries will be checked for fever with thermo-scan machines. Those with high fever or respiratory problems will be sent to test for COVID-19. 

Thailand’s total of COVID-19 infections is now 35  

Yesterday, 1 Chinese tourist tested positive for COVID-19, bringing the total number of infections within the country up to 35. 

During this time, protect yourself by wearing a mask, cleaning your hands, avoiding crowded places. Also, see a doctor if you have any of the following symptoms:

Thai Airports Ramp Up Intensive Screening For COVID-19 For Travellers from Japan and Singapore

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