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Indian Police Officer Wears “Coronavirus Helmet” To Scare Citizens Refusing To Self-Quarantine

COVID-19 in India

india police officer
Images adapted from: CNN and Reuters

USA and Italy are on the top of the list of the most affected countries during the COVID-19 crisis. Thailand also sees its numbers of patients and deaths increasing as the days go by, leaving many of us unnerved.

Another country that is working around safety measures is India. The country is currently on a 21-day lockdown, with citizens and healthcare professionals concerned over crowd control problems and a lack of proper equipment.

Amid the frenzy, police officers have decided to take matters into their own hands to combat stubborn citizens who refuse to stay at home despite lockdown orders.

Police officers urge people to take care of themselves

india covid-19
Citizens heading out of bigger cities after the lockdown announcement was made
Image credit: @workpointnews

With the 21-day lockdown coming into effect, Indian citizens have been urged to stay at home if there are no urgent matters to be attended to outside. However, many people have ignored the order and continue to leave their homes, much to the dismay of officials.

india police
Image credit: @ShawnReynolds_

This has led to officers taking extra measures to teach these stubborn folks a lesson. We’re not talking about fines and bans – but unconventional methods like being asked to do squats and even getting caned.

india police officer caning
Image credit: National Post

india police6
Image credit: CNN

One Indian police officer stood out from the bunch by going all out with his very own  “coronavirus helmet”, amusing netizens everywhere. He did so to warn people of the seriousness of the COVID-19, asking them to heed the necessary orders unless they wanted to risk catching the virus.

india police officer helmet
We guess this is protection for him too!
Image credits: Reuters

Other measures the country has taken includes:

  • Spraying disinfectant around using drones and cranes
  • Practising social distancing in public places
  • Preparing support budgets for underprivileged families 
  • Preparing accommodations to support new patients by transforming trains and stadiums into temporary hospitals

Stay indoors for your own safety

Staying at home might be tough, but be socially responsible and keep yourselves indoors for your own safety, as well as for the safety of others.

Hopefully we don’t need the “coronavirus helmet” officer to teach us a lesson!

News related to COVID-19:

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