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Cat Hilariously “Betrays” Owner By Revealing Secret Stash Of Money Hidden From Wife

Cat reveals secret money stash

There is no secret that will not be revealed…but who is going to uncover it? In this hilarious story, the answer is a cat named Cord

A Facebook post shared by user Bow Kanunguch featured pictures of a black cat and a box of money strewn across the floor. Turns out, this playful kitty was running around the room when he knocked down a box of money which his owner had kept hidden from his wife. Husbands, take note!

Kitty knocked box down while playing 

funny cat


In the post shared by Cord’s mommy, she wrote: “He was playing around and climbing a cupboard, and then I found this – a box full of money. My husband was hiding it from me. Kitty, you’ll get a big fried fish as a reward.” 

In a similar post shared by her husband, he said that the kitty has caused him a big problem. 

While black cats are believed to bring bad luck according to superstitious beliefs, we can’t help but think otherwise here!

Owners are in good spirits about the situation 

Thankfully, Cord’s paw-rents found the situation funny and didn’t feel angry at each other. It was also not mentioned as to why the money was kept a secret. Hmm, savings for a surprise present maybe? 

Cord funny cat

Cord the mischievous cat
Image credit: โบว์ คนึงนุช

After sharing the post on Facebook, many netizens commented on the post sharing the laughs too. 

funny cat comment

Translation: Let’s get a cat now!

Many ladies might need a cat now. Boyfriends be warned – you should be careful with whatever secrets you might be keeping. 

Some users even put together a meme of Cord. In the picture, you can see the lyrics from Doo White, a song by Thai rapper YOUNGOHM.

Cat meme

Translation: I did it myself, my mom will be proud of me

Image credit: Thiradon Pumcharoen

Cord’s story was covered on TV too!

It’s good that all is well with the family. We hope Cord got his special fried fish from his mommy!

Cover image adapted from โบว์ คนึงนุช