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Australia Launches Campaign To Fight Discrimination Against Asian Businesses Amid Coronavirus Outbreak

#IWillEatWithYou campaign in Australia

Organisation In Australia Launches Online Campaign To Save Chinese Restaurants And Fights Discrimination During COVID-19 Outbreak

Images adapted from: @mdprovodores  and Getup 

Discrimination and violence against East Asian folks have made headlines recently amid the COVID-19 outbreak. 

As a result, Chinatowns and Chinese restaurants in many cities worldwide are suffering as people are avoiding visiting these areas or eating there.  And some owners even have had to close down their businesses due to the dip in customers.

To help fight racism and xenophobia during this time, an independent social organisation in Australia called GetUp! has launched a social media campaign.

The project is called #IWillEatWithYou and it’s meant to encourage Australians not to be afraid to dine at their favourite Chinese eateries due to unfounded fears.

Organisation In Australia Launches Online Campaign To Save Chinese Restaurants And Fights Discrimination During COVID-19 Outbreak

The campaign logo
Image credit: Getup

People have come together to show support

Folks who want to show their support can post photos of themselves at Chinese restaurants or Asian grocers with the hashtag #IWillEatWithYou across any social media platform.

Organisation In Australia Launches Online Campaign To Save Chinese Restaurants And Fights Discrimination During COVID-19 Outbreak
Image credit: @mdprovodores

Aside from the organisation, the Australian government and local businesses have also shown their support during this difficult time by lighting up public places in red and gold lights and decorations.   

Organisation In Australia Launches Online Campaign To Save Chinese Restaurants And Fights Discrimination During COVID-19 Outbreak

Flinders Street Station in Melbourne
Image credit: @hotel_windsor 

This campaign is truly bringing out the best in everybody amidst what seems to be a horrible time. Let’s continue to be respectful towards others and fight the virus together.

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