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Thailand Just Confirmed Its 5th Case Of Wuhan Coronavirus Infection

5th Wuhan virus infection in Thailand

new wuhan virus case
Image credit: Nakhon Pathom Hospital/Reuters

26th Jan: 8 confirmed cases in Thailand, with 5 recovered and 3 under quarantine.

Thailand has just confirmed its 5th case of the Wuhan coronavirus, with the patient being a 33-year-old female from China.

Mr. Satit Pitutecha, Thai Deputy Public Health Minister, shared that the tourist arrived in Bangkok from Wuhan via plane on Tuesday, 21st January 2020. She then visited a private hospital after a bout of fever, muscle aches, and a cough.

She is currently undergoing treatment at Rajavithi Hospital in an isolation ward, Bangkok Post reports.

The woman came to Bangkok for vacation with her 7-year-old daughter, who shows no signs of infection. As of now, Thailand has 2 infected patients under quarantine.

Do stay tuned for more updates.

For more information on the virus in Thailand, read here:

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