Man Reports Lost Motorbike, Only To Find Out He Forgot It At 7-11 And Had Walked Home

Chiang Mai man ‘lost’ his motorbike

Have you ever forgotten your keys or wallet as you’re leaving your house in a hurry? Well, that’s normal and might have happened to almost everyone. However, we’re not sure if we could say the same about this man’s situation.

Image credit: Chiang Mai News

Last week, a 21-year-old man named Thanachai in Chiang Mai rushed to the police and reported that his Honda motorcycle had disappeared from his apartment’s parking space.

He feared the motorcycle was stolen.

Abandoned, not taken

Image credit: Chiang Mai News

Hearing Mr. Thanachai’s concerns, the police were quick to sweep-checking security cameras in the apartment’s perimeter to look for anything suspicious. 

To everyone’s surprise, a camera that belonged to 7-11 nearby showed Mr Thanachai himself riding the motorcycle to the convenience store the day before. However, he seemed to forget about his motorbike when he came out of the store and walked back to his apartment instead.

Reunited with his Honda

Image credit: Chiang Mai News

After being reunited with his beloved ride, Mr.Thanachai didn’t forget to apologise to the police who were helping him as all these shenanigans only arised from his forgetfulness. 

Funny news:

Featured images adapted from: Chiang Mai News

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Eddie Jirayu: