Thailand’s Emergency Decree Extended Until August, Continues With Phase 5

Thailand’s Emergency Decree Extended Until August, Continues With Phase 5

More businesses will reopen as planned

DecreeAugust coverDecreeAugust cover
Image adapted from: Pinterest

The emergency decree is being extended into August despite Thailand entering ‘phase 5’ of the lockdown.

Nightlife businesses such as bars and entertainment venues will reopen in July as planned under the “new normal” rules.

No new local cases reported

Thailand currently has a total of 3,158 COVID-19 cases and no further deaths. There are no new local cases but imported cases from returning Thais. The most recent case is an asymptomatic 24-year-old male student returning from Egypt.

Some suspect the decree extension to be related to civil unrest. Regardless, please remember to follow the rules for your safety.

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Papoj Aksharanugraha: