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Massive Crowds Gather Around Bangkok For Donations After Losing Jobs Due To COVID-19

Needy people during the pandemic

Many businesses in Thailand have shut down in accordance with the government’s health measures to control the COVID-19 transmissions. This consequently cost many Thais their jobs.

Massive Crowds Gather Around Bangkok For Donations After Losing Jobs Due To COVID-19

People lined up for food donations at Wat Bowonniwetwiharn
Image credit: Bangkok Post

People who have suffered the most from the mass layoffs are workers living paycheque to paycheque. In Bangkok, they’ve been gathering up in various spots to wait for donations in the form of food and cash.  

Massive Crowds Gather Around Bangkok For Donations After Losing Jobs Due To COVID-19

Donors handing out food outside of the Lumphini park
Image credit: Thairath

Earlier this week, many people camped outside Lumphini park with a sign that read: “Can you give us something to eat?” 

Donors must notify the authority first

Food Donors

Crowd gathering for donations near Hua Lamphong Train Station

Although a lot of people are giving out food or cash in good faith, their charitable deed might attract big crowds which violates the gathering ban policy

A spokesman for the Center for COVID-19 Situation Administration suggested that all donors should contact the district office first, so they can help manage any charity events properly. 

Donors who arbitrarily give out goods might get arrested for breaking an emergency decree since the action could lead to new clusters of infections.  

Bangkok organises 71 donation spots

Massive Crowds Gather Around Bangkok For Donations After Losing Jobs Due To COVID-19


To maintain safety and avoid new infections, Bangkok has organised 71 designed spots where people can hand out donations safely. 

If you want to lend a helping hand, you need to do as follows:

  1. Check the available donation areas on the city’s website.
  2. Contact officers who are responsible for the area you’ve selected through the number on the website.
  3. Wait for confirmation.
  4. Take your donations to the spot on the scheduled date and time.

For more information, click here.  

According to Bangkok Post, around 27 million informal workers have applied for the government’s cash relief.

It’s always nice to see people helping one another, let’s go through this together.

Also read:

Featured images adapted from: Khaosod and Bangkok Post

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