Cat “Attends” Meeting At Makkasan Police Station, Officers Welcome Unfur-miliar Guest Warmly

Cat joins police meeting

Cat owners understand that while feline creatures do not like to be fawned over, they do demand your attention at the most random times. This is particularly true when you’re busy – whether it’s interrupting your phone call by yowling, curling up on your keyboard or plopping down on your writing hand.

An incident at a recent monthly meeting at Makkasan Police Station truly exemplifies their tendencies: a cat decided to give politics a try by joining the police at the table, literally.

More cat news:

Cat politician in Bangkok

On 1st April 2021, a monthly meeting at Makkasan Police Station became the talk of the town after a cat was seen joining the meeting – photos show the feline walking around the table at the centre of the room and even plopping down at one point.

The hilarious part was that the meeting simply went on as if the cat was part of the team, according to Matichon.

cat on tablecat on table
Cat casually lies on the table while the police get on with the meeting
Image credit: แมวโรงพัก

The story was originally posted by the Facebook page Maew Rong Pak or ‘Police Station Cats’, which states that the cat had joined a virtual conference prior to the meeting – this has us thinking that the cat is perhaps genuinely interested in becoming a politician.

Image credit: แมวโรงพัก

Makkasan’s Claw-enforcement team 

It was later revealed that the cat’s interest in police work may have been from her environment – she belongs to the Makkasan station and is called Kha Prab, which translates to ‘fine’ or ‘penalty’ in English.

In the comments section, a fan tells us that Kha Prab is a mother to a few other cats residing in the police station and is adored by all the officers working there.

Kha Prab is greatly cared for by the police who helped her give birth.
Image credit: Korakoch Bodhikanha

Then another fan came in and shared a picture of her baby cat who’s not exactly little anymore.

Its name is Chao Bai Sang or ‘police note’ in English.
Image credit: Rattana Saeoung

We can understand why netizens are going gooey over this because we are as well.

Stop by the station

So, the next time you pass Makkasan Police Station, why not take a little stop to get a peak of either Kha Prab or Chao Bai Sang to add some cuteness to your day.

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Cover images adapted from: แมวโรงพัก

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