Popular Bangsue Central Vaccination Centre Closes, Get Your Free Booster Shots Here Instead

Bangsue Central Vaccination Centre closes on 30th Sept

The popular Bangsue Central Vaccination Centre (CVC) located near the Bangsue MRT station will shutter its doors on the 30th of September. The announcement follows the loosening Covid-19 restrictions within Thailand and the downgrading of the disease to “communicable disease under surveillance” that will take effect beginning October.

Find out more about your new vaccination options in Bangkok.

More news in Thailand:

The Institute of Dermatology is your new go-to CVC

The Institute of Dermatology (IOD) has been designated the new site for the CVC after the Bangsue CVC closure. Although certainly not as convenient as being located inside an MRT station, the new CVC is only a 10-minute walk from the Victory Monument BTS station located in the heart of Bangkok.

Image credit: CentralVaccinationCenter

Starting in October, the CVC will be open for reservations and walk-in vaccinations on Saturdays between 9AM and 3PM. The CVC will be closed on the 15th and 22nd of October to observe national holidays.

Thai nationals and foreigners aged 5 and above are all eligible for vaccinations. The vaccines provided will be the Pfizer orange cap and purple cap.

You can register for vaccination on the IOD website here (in Thai): https://covid19.iod.go.th/vaccine/

Saying goodbye to Bangsue Central Vaccine Centre

It might be a bit melodramatic but the closure of the one the biggest vaccination centres in Bangkok really feels like the end of an era. With well over 6 million doses provided, many Thais got their Covid-19 vaccines in the MRT station.

We really have to thank the staff of the Bangsue CVC, as well as other vaccination sites nationwide, for their service. Vaccinations were so efficient that most people spent more time getting to the site and waiting the usual 15-20 minutes for any allergic reaction than being in line.

Image credit: CentralVaccinationCenter

It really feels like we’re close to the end of Covid-19. A stretch that has often felt more like 30 years than 3.

On the home stretch

With Covid-19 restrictions loosening globally and countries reopening its doors to visitors, it seems that we are finally on the home stretch for COVID recovery. It can be tempting to go all out after 2 and a half years of lockdown but it is still important to remain vigilant.

Covid-19 remains a highly communicable disease whose long term effects are still not fully understood. That said, we can stretch our legs a little and return to panicking about booking rapidly skyrocketing plane ticket prices.

Cover images adapted from (From left to right): CentralVaccinationCenter

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